
Introduction Elites

So Let's Show You A Blood Pack

Kirill Don't Make It About You More Than It Should Be = Error = Elite School Fallen = They Don't Know Anything = Cause & Effect = Global Schools & Trade Skills Program Collapsed

Global Power Play = Church = School Name - Which Country It Says It Is = Relgious Insults = Church Revolution = Judas - Becarful WE GOD IS One Of The Flesh


Blood Pack = Get The Students To Kill Another Student On Campus = Keep A Oath Of Silence

Now Let WE Show You How They Plan It :

Full Class Room = Two People Of Colour [Doesn't Have To Be = Race / Culture / Rank / Sacrifical Lamb]

Now Give The One Boy - Look Indian = K Go Get The Lunch From The Cook For The Class - Let The Indian Girl Go With Him

When They Carry The Tray Get The One Of The Upper Class To Cause A Fight & Bash Through The Glass = How You Do It = Will Get A Spear Of Glass To Hit K In The Chest [Placement Of Window In Master House & Breaking It At That Height = Note : For The Dude = WE Remeber You Don't Die - Just Catching A Big Bang = We Shameless TOO {Master House Energy} Love Your Work]= Now In Front Of The Cook It Looks Like Clean Up & The Girl Looks Like Kali = Let's See What She Does ??? = WE Kill You Even If Your One Numerical Digit = Childern Can Be Killed = ONE

Now If Successful Wall Through With A Triangel Bell & Ring Ring Lunch Is Served = WE Killed Jesus

Hit & RUN

Now The Glass Went Through The Bags But Didn't Kill Him = WHY ? = The AIR ? = He Should Be Dead

Last Supper = Let Them Eat Lunch Together = Calculate Serving = Leave Some Of The FORK Of The Table - Short = See What Happens ???

Now If He See The Short = He Should Rush To Let Someone - Walk In The Short Strews Shoes = Pair Of Two

Now K After Keeping Silent = K/WE See & What If WE Choice To Not Play Ball & Eat With The Blinde Fool = With WE Hands & Say Indians Eat Like This = Flat Bread = Now Church Bread In Hand Not Mouth = Pass A Share To WE Sibling - The Actual Ritual

Judas = The Question Of The Legion Troops & Moving & Still Keeping With The Legion = Why Were They Seprated From The Group In The Last Supper = They Didn't Know They Must Still Legion But In This Case They Were Pushed Out = They Planeted Seeds Of Breaking The Shield Wall Up = The Law Of A Moving Army = Army Lesson Sold Out = If Eaten Even Without The Tool They Were Still Part Of The Legion = This Legion Will FALL = Cause & Effect = Fauls Teaching -Balck Bishop Mirror There = Know The Roman Sepration Begins = Blood Pack Broken

Now After Being Pushed Out = K = Reasoning Chain Reaction = The Market That Is Connected To Him Is The War Machine = Unite States Early Days = Build A WALL - Empire Begining - The Beast = The Differenace Between Goldern Leafs & Thorns - For Leaves Go Dark After To Much Backstabing & The Beast Horns Are For Empire To Know & Only Empire = The Beast [The Heart Of Empires = WE Don't FALL]

Home - Under Surviliance Connceted To The World Wide WEB = World Was Watching = Check The Boxies

Bio - Lab = The Wisest Boy You Will Ever Meet - With Time Follow The Thought The Proccess = The Floods Nature & The People Are To Blame - The Way They Think = WE See How Build A Forte Can Become Useless In Some Kingdoms The Way The Operate & Backstab & Destroy The Game Of Power = They Destory The System Of Forgive Thy Sins = You Staring To See Judas {Scared Elite} & Jesus {Scared Extremist Elite} = Keep Going You See The Holy WAR & The Temple Of MAN / Zues / Cronos & The Devil


Food = [DOOR]

War Of The GODS

Know WE Give You The Ritual Of Weapons {DOOR} [Don't Show Every Weapon You Are - They Will Know Who You Are = Devils Tale (Underground Thinking / Swipe / Thrust / Conceal = Trinity)]- Thunder & Lightering = Trident

The Roman Purge & LAW

SEE Egypt - See WE Lift The SAND

Now The Way They Raide Is Home & The Way He Responed

Note = Word Process Evolution Of Thought = Catching Up [Yours Not Invasive For The Mind {Heirogyph = Shes Aware (Awareness Level Different) All The GOD Pass The Test - Temple In MAN} Now Then There Is The Higher Silver Weapon / Multi Dimensional]

The Way The Broke In Without The Proper Protocol & Armed

The BOY Is Moving Around The While They Moving Through With GUNS

Even Over Take One Of The Armed Men Before He Enter The Room With The Gun Were The Girl Is Sleeping

Jumps In His Bed & Then Out = Lets Put This To Rest

Warning = Don't Walk In K's Shoes = When They Raid & You Move They Shoot

Then Goes To The Breech Act While They Raid In The House Levels = They Pick Up A White Paper Say A Short Speech & Leave = Now All Said & Done - The Child Is Not Normal

Raid Are Now Live Stream & Arms Race To Figure Out The Best Safety House Possiable

The Wealthy - Saw That There Home Will Not Be Protected By The LAW On The Global WEB & The WAY The Boy Smoke While Saying Nothing WIll Kill You = Multi Dimensional

The WAR MACHINE & The Cause & Effect For A ARMS RACE = Armed & Moving & State Collapse

The More You Try To Figure It Out The More You See The Extremist Side = Know A Moving House Of Protection For The Machine

Now You Start To The Star Of David Come In To Play = The Wall & The First Stone [If The First Stone - The Biggest Trust Is At Stake = Genes / Knowledge / Distiller Of Knowledge To Proccess For The People - Living Computer - Pyriamd Yet Not Her]


Follow The Protocol = Ressurection If Trinity Is Taken [Door To Global Economy / More Complecated For Trade & TRUST]

attack on titan

Now Learn Purge LAW For Chrismas & Reclaiming A Section & Leaving A Door For The Wealthy Or Those Who Know The Underground Safety Law To Pass Through The Purge - The Shadow Of Death

Sigial & Culture {DOORS}

Throw Diamonds On The Ground = Let WE Light The Way = This Way Let WE Show You Around

A Stone Or Two For A Weapon Test On The Other Side Of Town - Report Back = A Deal With A Devil

Star OF David / Divide & Conqure = Protect First Stone = Now Expansion & Placement Of Repair & Deployment Within The Wall & Without = Ressurection Inside & Outside = Underground Protocol - Supernova = Economic Boom

Now The Way You Play Here Is The Key To Empire = Expandning The GRID

Roman Hilt & Cain Stick = Temple In MAN - King George & The Spider / Athena Blocks You

Becarful Were You Walk = The Devil Came Out The Achillies Heel - Stay Up High Your Small & Pride Does Not Fall = Did They Cut The Cord From The Planet

Marking Of Properties = Now / Now Children The Body Temple Is Beyond You Only A Few = Zeus Outside Of Cronos