The Before Mystery

Introduction Before


Class : Mystery

Purpose : Mystery

Tale : In A Time With No Gaps & History Is A Continuing Ocean = Like The Milkly Way

The World Was One

The Idea's & Starting Points Are Like Osiris

For Creation Starts Of With A Blue Fame = Sad Story

Now How You Say It Won't Reveal Or Make The Mystery Understood = That They Don't Know

Only A Few Within There ERA & Empire Frame Work Can Understand The Time Before & After Their Empire Existance

For They Play The Tune / Dance Of Empire & Empire Knows Most Of Them Are Pity [Flood]

The Lesson To The Truth Was Honest Yet The Response From Those Around The Writter Said A Different Story = That Even If They Are Benfiting From The Result & Truth Of The Reality

They Will Still Destroy & Kill The Writter & Those Around Him Or Her

Reason = The Mystery Is Being Revealed = They Kill Every One Around Him & Block & Keep It To Them Selves = WE Are On The Other Side Of The World

It's A Free World / A Free Market - Let's Use All Our Resources To Allow The Most People To Access It Alll At Once

Now Before Your Time WE Didn't Have All The Technology & Occult Mean To Get The Message = Don't Trust The People = Calculation & Time = Odin Eye Tale - This Is Why

Now In A World = When There Have Been Many Empires = The Concept Of Race In The 20th Century Did Not Make Sense = The Understanding Of A White MAN"S World

Was Defined By Colour Yet Within The Circle - The Colour Of Hair Came Later Yet It Was Knowledge & Use Of The Occult

For Every Time A Empire Rise = It's Explores All Possiablities

The Fall For Some Was A Gift For Others For Those Prices Paid To Learned Something They Didn't Know

Yet From Above The Fall Was A Great Loss For Many Paid Prices Where Lost & The Use Of The Occult - The Mysteries - That WE Speak Of Can Be Mistaken For Priceless Gifts

The Tale Of A Good Novel = Being Written & A Good First Chapter Being Lost Or Edited For The Mass TO Understand Or A Thought Lost In Time = Maybe Some Will Explain It Better In A Different ERA OR Now In A Different Form

So When The Knowledge Is Lost = The Gaining Of That Knowlegde Was Recived Through A From That Can Not Be Reveal That This Point In Time = A Occult Form

For When You Look Into MAN = There Are Thing He/She Should Not Know In There ERA = Form Time Is Short & Only Can Be Explained In A Longer Time Line

Now The Question Of Race & Who Was Before & Can Flip & The Social Dynamic Will Reveal A Story You May Find Amussing & May Lead Some To Die

For How Does The Flip Happen If Some Of Them Did Not Protect You While You Grow = From The Temple In MAN = TO A Small SEED = THE GARDEN

Now The Question Arise When You Ask Older People About The Occult For They Do Thing Naturally For In Your ZONE On The Planet They Called Occult / Unfilter Sciences

Now The Sad Story Is When You Want To Play With SOmething Really Dark = Summon The Forces Of Darkness = They May Be So Honest To Say = You Young Raise = You Who WE Feed & Housed

WHO Ate From WE Table = Want WE To Teach You The Old Way = WE Forgot Your Burned The Library = Help WE Re-build It = Don't Cry If One Of US Die = For You Know The Forces Of The Darkness

Know You Know That Some Of The People Will Not Understand Till WE Bring Forth LIGHT

Now The Question On Race & How You Got Your Hair = Look To Before - The Old World = It's Not Natural = It's The Occult = Blonde Hair - Let There Be Light / Red Hair Blood Of WE Blood - There Way To MAny Joke In Here

Now That A Nice Start WE Would Say But The Way It Played Out Last Time = They Didn't Like The Jokes All The Time = Childern - [They Kill Everyone You Know - Maybe They Have Better Ears]

Don't Hurt Anyone = The Gene - Evolution Chain = To The Occult Chain - SOULS & Other Beings & The Forces Of Darkness [This Is Not Angels & Devils = That's Why WE Say Before For This Centuries Frame Work 20th Century = Saturn Return - They May Burn The Books Again & Start At 0 = Let's Say The Wheel - The Stars = The Zodiac]

Reason WE Say It = Childern Play With Thing They Don't Understand = Like Forgeting The Perefect Serman / Potion / Word To Explain The Pain Of The Big Bang = History In A Joke & Learn A Lesson & Be Burn By The Stake // // // // Now The WORD IS The Before Hold A Key To Expand Your Civilization Quickly & Address The Flood Of Old & Appearing Before You

The Making Of A Binding Spell To Prevent You ALL From Killing Each Other While You Learn On A Global Planet = Mirror The Star's From Hight To Low = The Galaxy [What's The Awarness Of Your World / Galaxy / Universe / Creation / Little Ball Of Light = Did You Eat It Again [\(Fo{Make More}ol)] = Children

Listen Now You = Love But WE ARE OLD & There Are Things That Do Not Walk The Earth That MAN Can Imagnie & SEE = The Concept Itself Is A Mystery = For You Are What You Eat Yet You See That Which Is Not Here Or On This Planet = Dimensional Space = Let There Be Light = Becarful Who Your Talking To = There Are GOOD & BAD & MORE

From A Point Of Understanding = This Is A White MAN'S WORLD = This Is A Black MAN'S world = They Both Look = WE Found You

WE Jsut Say DIVINE PLAN = They Have No Idea = Brace For A Big Bang = WE Distilling A Drink = Water Found - A LOT = Riddle Within Riddle - Don't Die When Learning Or Hurt Anyone