Introduction Market LAW


Class : System

Purpose : Law & Trade & Community Trust


Out The Box Thinking = Some Communities - Don't Allow Killing Weapons In The Open = DOOM LOCK & KEY Protocol

Collectors : Market = Just Use The Thing

Builders : Market



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State Security



For The BAR = BackUp ChainSM3L3 / Public Chain [Might Get Hacked] SMILE



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ARMS TRADE - & Questions Of Whats Allowed On The Ground & Private Military Sector = Black Budget


Technology Prototypes = Done = Terminal Scan & Moniter For Drone Deployment Configuration Combination Requried = DOOM Protocol


Vision = Style Protocol


God Of WAR Family Tree = Branches & New Branches = Keep Your Word = WE Killing Each Other = Just Don't Kill WE Kids = Deal - WE Take Them In = Side Branch In The Future

Refill - Feed The People = Vision - Portable Weapon / Medical Kit [Atlantis]




That's Why They Say Stay Inside = Bibilical Refferance

Now You Know Peace Time Before A Constitution

Now If You Wrong Someone Through Out The Saturn Return = Did Not Keep Peace Time Peace

They Can Do No Wrong = Trusted Source = This Person Doesn't Need To Keep The Peace

Mob Say = When He Kill People & You Don't Know Why = Say They Had Whats Coming To Them = Saturn Return

Now WE Talk About Collapse Of Empire = Market Falling / Know Even When The Space Is Open For New Market & THey Killing Each Other = Collapse

LAW = Move Trusted Source = To Safe Zone = Add Servants = Giving Guns With Practice MAG & Shooting MAG = Drug Storage Vault = Gold / Silver / Copper If Community Is Soild

Now Wait For The Community To Clean House = When They Done Killing = The Trusted Source = Can Rebuild The Economy = Happy Birthday = ARM HIM

Now The Dragon & The Programed Hands [Aryan / They Call You A Robot = Who Say They All One Race = BRAIN TO Control The Machine = The DRAGON / Souls / Heads = Walkie Talkie [You Can't Just Kill Someone While They Travel The World - WE Will Know In The Chain = WE Say It's Before Your Time - OLD SCHOOL] - Need Air Support Before Constitution & Expansion ] - Private Education For Protocol = Wait For Down Play = All Rights FALL - No One Can Say Anything = WE All Knew - A Few Stood Up Politics = Law Rewrite - Woman Right No More = They Cam After The Children & People Laughed = NOW Dragon Say No Woman Rights - Earn It Back = Be Creative - Destorying A Community / Empire / People / Slavery ...etc = Damage Control = Only A Few Get High States For Note Of Good Behavoir = A GOOD DEED [Citizenship] - Devils In The Details

Dragon Mirror = This Back System For Empires = LAW Brokern = Lead To Bountey Hunting System = Church / Crown / People = Reason Flood

GOLD / Silver / Copper WAR Fiat WAR Crypto WAR Slavery / Worship Shall WE Go On = Who Say They Want To Work Together = The Dagon Diamonds = One Roof Or Starve = Reason WE Empire = Saterlite - Land / Sea / Space / MORE = Expanstion = People Always - Thats Enough = If That Was Enough WE Would Have Only ONE City = No Second Chances = ARK

Don't Say WHITE MAN WORLD = In RACSIM Frame Work = Civil War = They Say This Race / Then This Country / Then This Land / Then This Flag = Loop Hide Dragon - WE Throughing A Mood / Don't Hurt Him = Wraith = Civil War Is Not Wraith = Crusade Is A Chain = Not Wraith = THE CORE [Pyriamds - LAW Of STONE = Empire Knowledge - Why Go On = They Want To Speak About It In The Open = Know The LAW]

Chain Of Command LAW = If A Dragon Speak Or POPE / KING OR QUEEN = Do What They Say Within Reason = Example This Persons Hanging In The Cell = Go Cut Them Down Now [WE Can Say it Nice Or Straight] = If You Say Who Are You & Delay & They Die = Air Strike Or Purge = The End = The Way You Question Here [How You Say It] = Can Destory Your Kingdom If Sssaid Wrong

Now If No One Understand This LAW Or Commandment Or Concept Of The Chain Of Power [FLOOD] = Wraith = No One Knows Wraith = State Of Emergancy

Teahing Him Stand Your Ground

Don't Hurt Him = Empire Citizen = No US Citizen = Outside School Branche = Did The Jesus [Cook] Walked Away [Church - Black Bishop {Mirror Chain} / ({Empire})Glasses] = Pushed Him Out The Teach The Other Students A Lesson = Did Nothing Wrong & They Did Too [Copying = Without Knowing Our Plans / Chain Reaction] = WE Put Him In A Loop = His Soild = Explains The LOKI - Mischivies Behavoier = Out The Box Thinking = Now There Is Back Stabing In This Chain Reaction = The Boy = Kirill = Can Do No Wrong = It's A Messsssss {Face} = Examples : Flood / To Much Slieght Of Hand / Fuals Idle Logic [Fame] = The By Explain - They Don't Always See You Catching On Shit / Causeing Trouble = We Get You Play Cards [BET / Guides / Power - You Know How It Is = Less You Say The Better Don't Look Into The Chain = Don't Walk Through The Shadow Of Death Here - Addressing A Problem In This Chain Is Hard] Too
