The French Revolution

Introduction Inlighternment / En[d Or 3]lighterment


The French = They Saying = There Is No Bread = Let Them Eat Cake

People Don't See = People See - They See No Food

Crown = Royal Court Matters = Empire = Let Them Eat Cake = They Have Flour

Calculate - Road & City & Villages = Scale = Products & Items = Only A Few Write Books = Data Input Missing Some Thing = Saturn Return = Histroy Gaps

Logic Black Death & Burning Books = History Of The Human Brain Is Not Solid

Off The Books - Class = History & That Which Is Not Said Between The Kingdoms & Empire

Now Mystery = Happy Birthday King = Law For Doctors Created = Doctors Didn't Understand = Social Sciences / Read Between The Lines / Questions Of Lies = Egging On = Stud The Broken Eggs = Mindless Animel Logic = Just Want To Them To Kill You Study You = The Social Dynamic While A Revolution Is Happen Will Kill You = They Didn't Even Care For Them Self = Doing It To Each Other LAter = Who Know More [Collesseum Witness Style & Communtary / Betting] = Why Would They Uphold The LAW [Hippocratic Oath / Flip Hypocrite = Hyper Inflasion {For Kid 0 To 100 Real Quick}] - You Have Tools Give It = Who Do You Think The Doctors Were [The People - Who Made The Head Cut / They Didn't Even Want To Do Public Hanging - WE Don't Know Sometime With You People = The Work / The Resources / The Maths - The Engeering = You Where MAD As HELL On EARTH [Going After The Church To YOU] Priet Keep Silent - Play With Your Beads [Now We Know The Cloth 0Bye Bye = 1Napkin [Kin Is Sleeping] = No / Best Say OH - They MAD = So They Say Walk Way That Way - Dark Humour Here In Traveling] = Trapped Like The BEAST To Be Fair WE Have The Roman Order To Within The Walls & It Goes On Becarful Why They Trapped] - Only A Few Could Read Or Write & The Bible [Church] / The Pyriamds [Crown] / The Truth [King]

Why Is London A Banks = If You Kill Royalty = They Hold The Gold = History & Time = Logistics & Trade

Joke Skies The Limit = Mystery = Crown / People / [Silent But {Church} Deadly ] = Who Knows King = The Witnesses They Over Heard All WE Talking = Divide & Conqure = They Didn't Know What To Do After King Learned A Lesson = Happy BirthDay = GIFT = Think Big Famliy Tree - Still Got Time For A Joke - Lesson It Chrismas Tree Can Go Wrong = For THere Are Fewer Of Us Left = After WARS Horse


