Introduction Mystery -- SOME EXPLAIN THIS


Summary: Response TO Back Stabing By Black WOMAN = YOH YOH It's To Mcuh BackStabing = Kings SUN Must Be BLACK BY KNOW ??????? = IM NOT BLACK - WE LEARN AFRICAN = AFRICAN - Accptance Test = ARE WE CRAZY = WE SEE THE MATH OF SAY IT'S A WHITE MANS WORLD [Caucasian Skin] Flip = WE See The Black Power Move = {Path Of RAPE [Put Yourself In This Person Shoes = Know WE See The RUN (JOKE)]}- The DOOR WAS BACKSTABBING = ERA POWER Dynamics That What Your Saying = ERROR = More Than Just Those Two Colours / ADD Tribes - Cultures - States - Religion = It Keeps Going = Witness [WE Couldn't Understand{WE Teaching Him They Did It Fair / Not Really It Was Organic = How The FALLS Playing Out}]

The Cause & Effect = If Your At The Bottom For Example & You Don't Know Were He Is How Many People Are Backstabing For THis & You Might Kill Him = This Is Scary = So You Bring Down The Hole System & Only SHowing Him When His Black [They Say Not Fair For Other People For There Is More People Than White & Black Skin = The Power Play & Inacting Does Not Make Sense = Human Expermination Makes More Sense = This Person Just Broke The Board Without Knowing IT = THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY DID TO THINKIN PEOPLE = Divide & Conqure = Black Woman You Lose All Your Alliance = ????? = Not The TIme ]

Lessons : The Lesson Is Saying His The Most Mixed Already & Was Through From ONE Empire To The Other = They All Breed / Bread With Him = Genetic Vault

Error : See Power Play / But Black Women - Said After Lesson Of Cleopatra [Math Lesson] = Know WE / KINGS SUN KICK BLack People

Reason : Crusificition Is A Job But Not That - Your Saying WE mUst Be Bread Again For A Whole WHEEL = They Will Say Be Fair Do You Know What You Did To That BOY

The Mystery Gift Of This Tree - Branch : BIO - LAB = Slieght Of Hand = LOKI FInd LOOP Hole They Insane

Check All Your Sane People = They May Have Broke = Now Everything On The Table = After This Proccess & Extermination Can We Talk ABout International Law = NO - WE Going Back To This Path Again In PArts Of The World = Process = They Think They Can Do No Wrong = It's All Made Up Thought Process = They Did It Again = Prepare Cause & Effect

Some People May Have Hung [Judas = Legion Air Child = Need To Make OutTheBox Field For You = You Will Hang = They Breaking Your Proccess Code/Law - Don't Hurt Him {Technology / Language / Law Does Not Exist = You See What They Did To HIM = The New ONE WILL NOT Move Like You Want}]= It Destroies Everthing You Know = NOT Apophis = It Bad Check Everyone = Jesus Model Going In Mercenary Mode = Purge The Land Only A Few Models Will Absorb Or Teach This = Mind Proccess

Give The Two Model This Letter / Other Models May Feel The Damage In There Field = Proccess Is Broken

Who Ever Did That Don't Take Pride In IT [They Even Tried To Kill Egypt MATH - To Prove A Point = They Don't CARE] = You Destroied The Concept Of PEACE = Cause & Effect

THE SANE = LET'S BURN = WHACK = MAKE Ouroboros = EAT Them Like They Ate US = A TRUE PARADOX TO Deal With That INSANE Creator = Talking To The Boy [That Faction Dies - (HE MUST BE BLACK BY NOW FROM ALL BACK STABBING = KING SUN)]

THEY OPEN THE DOOR FOR WE [With Insanity = Shall WE Transmute It To Sanity] BIO-LAB