Cross Over

Introduction They Do Not Know What They Do

Cause / Replacy Someone Family Memeber {Mind Games / Riddle / JEW Back Partner Found (Con Game Corrupted)} [Backstab] / Effect

Quntam Break = Time Travel = Can't Fix This = Alien From High / Planet Divine Plan Error / Error Mutation The Way Kirill Thinks After = Cosmic {Don't Say Consumtion = Poisoning For Sum }Absorbtion Makes Sense = Cronos Proccess / Cannible = Can Eat People = It's Not What You Think = Error Evolution To Extreme = ENVY


While They Walking Pass / Cut Them Up = From A Shadow Mirror Glace Put Their Body Together

Make The Wonder With Time That Was There Families Shadow


Lead Up To It = Make Everyone Play Ball = Osiris Head = Didn't Understand = Say It's To Chase People From The Community


Know The Moral Question = Everyone Moral Mind Requires Them To Exterminate This Group That Played This Game = Concern Traition Camp = Mind Game - Lead To Their Extermination

Only A Few Are Innocenet = For This Person Who Went Through The Pain = Trusted Soucre = Market Appoved Extermination Of The Group & People & All Around The Radiation Zone

For Market Requries Moral Frame To Make A Sale = Advancement Of Medical Service = Proccessing

For The True Flood Is Approved = Target - Overvirw = Black Race & Boer War Camp Finish The Job = Brain Expansion To Kill Parasite Of Life & GLobal Economy In Motion

Moral Frame & Constituions All Fall = Truth Found = All Lies Seen = For Truth Is On The Opposite Side Of The Board = ARK Cause & Effect

BRU = Cook The Alive If Need Be To Keep The Poeple Feed = Birth Rate Drop = No Woman Want To Give Birth = Moral Frame Broke & Economic Market No Existance = Human Brains Dead

Possion & Occult & Experamntation On All Being With The Area & Expansion Approved = Advance Medical Service Approved = Bio - Lab

Rabbit Animal Class = Betray Seen = Cause & Effect Of The Lower Life Forms = Example Killing The Lions = Flip = Shoot Down

Gene Pool Above Compromised = Chain Reaction = George Protocol = Humble Beginnings = Genesis Block For Empire Approved = Between Two Forces

Mutation = Example The BEAST

Two Cross Over = Seen = Recived Orders = Expermination Of The Population Approved With A Few = Kept In The Circle [Sanctuary ]


Deal With The Devil Of The Old Word Broken = Flood & Expansion = All Keys Unlocked = Go For The Brains = Sealed Temples Can Be Approved

Cause & Effect - Camp Open To Heiroglyph Studies [{Mystery Schools / Brain Development / High State Of Being} Flip {Torture For Eternity / Not Possession = Less You Say The Better}/ Demons Are Real - A Deal OR Two = WE Understand] = Put Them In A Room & Open Them Like A Book = Kill The Fauls Idal = The Pity Flood = Release Orginal Strain Into The Eco{nos}ystem

Know Feed The People Law Broken = After They Sold Out The Biritsh Empire = They Dont How To Package = Meat Pot Food Bag Is Dog Food = Don't Know Chemistry

Underground Law Broken = Name System & ID / Passport System Broken = They Kill Someone [There Are Laws To Taking Some Life = Watch List {Bounty Hunting - Under The Table}] & Think You Can Buy/Take [Some People Name & Gene's & Face Can't Be Taken = Unless Supernatrual] Their Name

Kirill = WE Saw Them = Name Bank For Global Order = Approved

Cause & Effect = United State Gensis Block = All Over {Again}Grain = Expermination Of African Contient Aproved With Time = Saturn - Old MAN SeeNILE

Now Chain Of Command Mutation = US Civil WAR = Right Wing Front - Core = Branch Off = Kirill = Problem = Example = They Made The Devils SUN = Look To Kill Him In The Future

Before / = Egypt {Don't Know YOur Name / Indian Empire / China {Asian}}/ Befroe / = Greek & Rome = British = {Ignorance / Actions[Moral{Crash)Guilty]Reflection - Cause & Effect} = United State Empire {British Child - Tired Of Ignrance} = Rainbow Nation {British System / Not Apartheid - Orphanages People Of Colour - Human Power[Crash Between British & United States] Boer Sell Out / & Black Tribes {African History Before & After = Head Of Egypt - Tribe That Protects The Neck = Some Sold Out To Cut It OFF} - For More Power = Civil War = Person Of Colour Becoming The Dragon - The Devils Boy {Unite State Playing GOD = You See Why They Were Put In Camp - Bit The Hand That Feed Them = THey Did It Again Fauls Cross Over = Data & Saterlites & Planet Few For Global Economy / History = Only A Few People Know What To Do In That Area = Expansion LAW = Don't Care About Colour} Know Coups / Revolution / Civilunrest = All Failer - Don't Make Sense = They Don't Know [Know Language / Only A Few Know Language = Gestures Are Ssafe Zone = Baaa Like Sheep]} = Markets Exitance At Stake = ARK Backstab = HELL On EARTH = Civil War With Backing From All Side From Above Hemespheres To ONE Source = Moral Question & SAVE FACE

Jew Gene Discovered = Seen Of The Crime = Talk To High Prist = Abuse Of Riddles & Truth = For Power & Not Teaching = Didn't Know The System = Tried To Destroied Market & Do Fauls Cross Over = WE Did The Boer {Carcastion} Race Learn To Flip Osiris So Ignorantley

It's Insane = Underworld Corruption Seen = Send Hades To Restore Order

Beware If TRUTH IS Discovered = For They SOLD Out EMPIRE = TRUTH - Will RISE = The Beast = A World Build On Lies/Backstabing FALLS = WHEN TRUTH RISE

Truth = Life = Empire

ARK = Destruction = Life Death & Truth & Empire Plans For Expansion = United States = Market BOOM Halted & Backup From Other Empire Conquest Work For Destroying Ark Life Destroied

Pity = Dies = Extermination = CRASH - Games You People Play & While People Kill The ARK & EMPIRE = WE ALL DIE = SYSTEM APPROVAL Of The Kirill = ONE Approve

The OLD WORLD = The Flood Only Spared ONE MIND = [You See Your Teeth Pull NOW = You Didn't Learn] = BRU - Will Flip This System Of Feed The People To Eating All Your People

Now Connection OF Global System Corrupted = Moral Question OF The Mind In The [Dark Twisted Riddle Game / Mind Fuck [Distored Version Of The People] / Brain Torture]

Self Regulate = System / Trust Broken = Brain Weapons Unleashed [Won't Know] = Free For All In The Global War Frame Work = People Broke The God Of Wars Trust = International Law - Put Into Question

Church / Spirtual War = Approved = They May Killed The Spirtual Class = Only A Few Are Civilized

Question Of War Machine - Expansion Seen = The System Black Budget Needs To Step In = System Back Up System Approved = MATH Expansion Approved = People Cannt Be Trusted = Moral Fram Broken - Democray Will Have To Take A Rest = The Dragon Will Have To Be The Heart = Dagon Expansion To East & West Approved = Extermination Going According To Plan = Wash WE Of Our SIN'S Approved [Even If They One Of A Kind / They May Still Sell Out = Check Cleo Chapter For Check Up]- Saturn Return They Didn't Learn = Now You Know The US Plays GOD = Don't Rune WE GAME Again = Dagon = Evolution For Empire Expanstion Approved = For Space War Machine = Light Years Ahead

Keep Planning Ahead = Till The Soil = Keep Him Alive & Well Kept = Flood Release In The Ecosystem = Know You Know - What Play Savoir Is = SAVE SIR

Shelay = Should WE Lay Here = Blood Pack / Oath - Extermination = Babylon


Ingrance = Cross Over - Unaccaptable = Leading People Astray = Extermination Protocal = {Saturn [Hsi{Cowared}History] Return } = Hit & Run {In Joy - Riding Into The Sun Set =You Fell For The Trap Again You Brute = You Don't Kill HIM Or Closest Family Or Replace Them = WE Kill On The Inside Know = The Cleaner [There Is A Lot Of Cleaning = They Killed In Ignorance & He Kill The Ignorant = Wait For The Corrupt Crop To Rise & Cut IT Out] Mirror Chain Under Review = Rehall} = Flood = The Boy Kill You All The Time


Class = Can't Be Classified = This Killes Jesus You Speak Of = Babylon

Don't Out Shine WE/ME = Pride Will Not Fall

Seprations Between = Church / State / Crowns = Check Everyone ON The Inside [Hitler / Black Bishop Politcs / Divide & Conqure] Flip The Table {Apply In The Spirtual World TOO} = Burning Of The Books = Saturn Return - In Data = Walk In Your Foot Step Of Return Of Big Bang = OOnly A Few Survive

Wait Before You Act = Before & After = Holy Trinity - Level Frame Work = WHich Level = Say Your Prayers / Blessing / Break Bread = Truth Will Rise To The Survive

Cure Of The Pharaoh = Tomb = The Gas = The Bacteria Of OLD WILL KILL YOU = AIR = Walking On Air = You Didn't Die = Black Death Spread

War Machine SANE = Saturn Return = SEEnile = The Begining Of The END

System Enforement = Private Sectoer = Rehall = Mutation = See All = Don't Kill Them = Data & Information In Vaults = Show Innocence

Shut Down = Command Ignored For Pity Was At The Wheel = Enforment Killers = Re-education Camp = Saterlight - State / Light = RA = Oversight / Watching Over You = Politic To Military State Or Monach [Blood [Hive Mind / The ONE / Bio-Lab = Weapon Levling System = Chain's / Keeps Going] / Every Measurement To Not Fall For This Again] = Moral Question

Be Carful = Only A Few Can Be Re-Educated = Brains Levels = Local / State / Contient / Space / ZONES

Manuel On Puplic Desplay = They Do Not Know What They Speak = Enforcment Restrain = Required To Check Before Killing

Latter Program For Advanced Medical& Weapons

Define Pyramied Scheme = Ladder System = Not Ladder = Extermination - Not Even A Zero Sum Game = If Ladder - Follow Production / Products / Culture / Building & Moving

States = Mirroring To The Extreme = Civil War = Build Up = Compound Interest = Planet Invesment At State = GLobal Civil War = War Machine = Will Pick It's Interest / Assets

Put Jesus/Judas Under One Roof = Corruption Is Chain Of Command / Looking To Exterminate A Mind Set Not A Gene = For Planet Evolution & Planet Expanstion

Blame The People Speak To Cleo / Founder Architure / Higher Chains

Keep Higher Chain Going

Dracula Frame Work From Now On = Stay Humble = Don't Make It About You [Never Wait To See What's Coming To You / Even If It's Good / IM OLD & At Dracula Level WE Can Enjoy The Show / Will Say It's Little To Rushed {Ignorance Lesson}Want More Knowing - WE See A Colloseum In The Making / Not Organised = Killing Bites]

To Munch / TOO MUCH

Veteran Health Care {Put Down The Weapon} / The Other One Needs A Different Health Service & System [Give This Evolution System Time [Private / Puplic / Prototype] ]

Wednsday / Honest Day / August / The Fall / Ceasor

Note = You Need To Know [Adapt To Understanding The Brain] Brain = To See / Notice A Paranormal = {Oversight / [Higher]Controled Factor - {A Few[Files / DataBase]Lucky Souls} - [Lower]Uncontrol Factor } Not Normal
