Giant Spiders

Introduction How Many Eyes

Don't Look To Long

Still Or Playing Around The ROom


Reality Shifting / See / Do Not SEE

Watching / Guide / Protection Or Spying / Eating / Shaping In A WEB

How Many Children Do WE Have = How Many Views & How WE See The World

Odins Eye - A Network For THe Great Work - Still Active = Not Sure If Wednesday Is Leading

From Wehns You Came - Odin Is Resting = Spiders Are Freely Playing In The Fields

From Above A Constant Star = WE Walking & Talking = Look Something You Didn't See / Look At WE Poke It = SEE It's Moving


One Eyes Good For Seeing / WE Need Work On This Front

Need To Visit The Tree

Mystery Recieved = Spiritual System Of OLD = Need Time = Applying Teaching


Osiris / Wednesday - Don't Look To Much Into The OLD GOD'S & Blessings

Keep To A Few - Greek Maybe Typoon - Don't Look Into Master Magicsio/an (Shun / Sha / io) = These Persons GIFT May Kill The World = Power LEvel VERY High - No One Want To Say The End Of The Rabbit Hole - What You Can Do = Brain Capcitiy / Capacity = 100% Brain / ?% Brain = Telepathy / Gravity / Electricy = Angel / Ang(;)le Of Application = THunder

Keep The Boy Out Of Sight

The Watchers Watcher / Support On The Ground = Helping Hand From Above