Temple Of Secrets

Introduction Mystery = Wash / EAT WE Of Our SINS

WE Eat = WE Don't DIE = Keep Evolving


Don't Hurt Him For Answering When His Summoned


Now Once The Empire Is Build & Expansion Continues & A Black Budget Needs To Be Created = Two Types

Wash WE Of Our Sin = Disarmament = Cease Fire = Cease Expansion = Clean Market Focus / Free Market

For Only A Few Live Outside The Box = Becarful For You Do Not Know Who's Universe You Live Within & What They Are Protectiong You From


For WE Rain In Dimensional Space As Well / For How Do You Protect Your Traveler In This Space For Time & Space Have No Meaning

Eating YouR SIN = WE Hold Your EVIL & SIN = KEEP THE WAR MACHINE GOING = Keep Advanceing Fields = Off The Books = THE ARK

Kirill Your Perfect For This Job = IT Was Made For You = Cause & Effect