Introduction Expanstion Law


Class : Mix Pot / Colourful System / Flexable System = Take Into Account Global Trade - Culture - History - Race - Relgion - etc....

Now The Way Architecture Is Layed Out & Trade [Movement Of Good & Service Overlap] Will Encourage Mixing Naturaly But Do To A Lack Of Under Standing & Long Term Vision

Watch What Lack Of Understaning Does To A People In The Long Term = Purpose Section = Cleo

Purpose : Power Move = The Greatest Power Move In Modern 20th Century = Endless Growth & Expanstion = When Coming oVer The See = A Solid Market To Eat & Pay Of All Debt

Now The Tale Of Cleo = Imagine = The Head Of Egypt & The Pyriamds On The Otherside

How BAD Must The Flood Be To Build A Data Backup Of That Scale & If It's Not Stone = They Will Destory It = Know See WE Boy Mirror That Thing = The Story Behind Here Fall Is Evil

Bio - Lab = The Flesh Version

Out The Box Thinking : Now Think Of This Postion On The Face Of The Earth = As A SUN = Supernova [This LAW = This Moment In Time = (They Will Starte A Crusade & Kill Them All This Side (Destruction Of ARK) When You All In The GLobe See The Money & Technology / Medical Lost In This Childish Game Of Hurting The SUN/BOY/The Chain Reaction = No Second Chance = Flood Spread In There Minds = BIO - LAB) Secure The Forte With A Monster(Global Politics / People Not Right - SHipping Weapons Reaction FALL = BIO - Lab {Think On It = They Hurt That Old African[Empire] BADLY - CLEO})] = Big Bang = Economic Growth = Knetting


Tale : The Wheel They Had Know Idea What The Great Work Was But A Few = They Backstabbed For Short Term Gain = Skip A Genration = reaction A Whole Empire / Economic BOOM LOST

Best To Stay Quiet For A Few Know = Politcal Game On The Gound Don't Make Sense = WHO = WE KNOW You Thought That Was Survival Of The Fittest = Helping HAND = Concept Of Survival = Long Term Planing Empire = There Are Other Empires [Civil War / Boer War / ?????]


For Outside Parties = WE Would Have Been GOD ---- {ARK - Logic = Back Of Back Saftey Net = Dragon Long Term Plan} = WE MAD HIM In Our Own Image - He Would Be The Devil = The Brightest Star = Supernova = Took The World By Storm

Dragons Types : Dragons
