Divine Law



The Ritual - Why Ritual Of Time = Killing The Innocent Boy = Price A GOOD Solider To Recruite

sample image

The Family Unit With A Community = Let Bring It Down To A House Hold

There Is One Innocent One In This House = WE Need To Get Dirt Or Make Him SIN Some Form & Lock Him In & Then Intergrate Them Into The Community = The Risk To Get To The Point Of Breaking the House For Political Gain

The LAW Of Sanctuary = The History Of Civil Unrest = Keep The House In Order & Private For Time Of Social Unrest In Private Or Public = Do Not Hurt Them Within Their Homes = Wait For WE To Explain How WE Destory This On A Politcal Front = They Use The woman = AS THE WOMAN [The OLD GRANNY Of = HEAD OF THE TABLE] = Why Slave Housing / Bring Someone Home / Keep The Dog - The Witness Spirtual May Not See Them Trying To Kill Him

So The Reason Will Lead To No Group Of Community Forming

Now Watch Them Play On Your Culture & Watch A Judas Point Of The Logic & Behaver Of True Unity = He Will See The State / Gangs / Woman Rights / The Mob Hazing Flip On It's Head

Reason = The Head The Old Lady = Got Her Name On Housing People = Think Of The Mind To Take Some In On Short Notice = The woman Lie Is = The Lead My People A Stay = There Is A Scheme To Full The Debit Machine In The Backstab & Open The House To The Brute = A Moment Of Silence

Law Of Sanctuary WE Don't Hurt You In Your House = WE Might Send Spirtual Surveillance

Loki & Boulder = Boulder Arn't You EYE's Hurting Form Looking At That Thing



Watch The Judas Point How You Break The House & Flip Sanctuary But This Is Were WE Also Show How They Break The Culture & Rune The Hazing Of The Government / State / Emperor = This Why WE Don't Kill HIM Or Backstab Him Again = For WE Did Not See The Back Stab Coming Through The Famliy

Judas = They Play On The Brat [The Greed Child - Who Does Not Know What They Doing But Thinks They Can Claim The GOOD After The House Falls = Not Judas Or Jesus] = T


Now Depending On The Poers At Play The Level Of Backstabing While They Ganging Up On HIM [The Haze Ritual To Empower The WOMAN = Was Flip = WE Killed A Lot Of GOOD BOYS For A Little Snake Girl = The Dynamic [Can Be A boy] Their Of Outside Soical Dynamic Involved]

The Hazer = Get Killed On The Way Out = Down The Road = Walk Away = Jericho

The Cleaning & Legal Paper = Police Or State On Levels In On It = Later Kill The Left Overs

Then They Start With The Government

So This Is Every At Fault Exept ONE PIECE = The Inoccent ONE NEED TO DO SOMETHING WRONG

Watch The Book Raise Your Childern For IT Saves Them From YOU [ Which Ever Level] They Play On Your pride or Wight

The Community Responce Is All Flip = Good Interntion Are A Road To HELL

How Does Speak & Tell You People That WE Watching & Can Kill At Any Point & It's Fair No One Is Special

Now The Problem It Become A GAME

They WON A BANK = Now What Must WE Say

If They Don't See Your Value

They Take Them In A Pass Them Around = When You Throw Them Out

  • One Does Not Understand = They Kill All
  • Everyone Is Stuck In The Community
  • WE Now It's Coming Back To Everyone = A Flood

Now Who See's The Power Grap But A Few

Secrecy System

Watch Them Use It For A Surveillance State

WE Went Through This Already

How Many Old People Have To Die = Skip A Genration = That How Some Of You Made Some Friends

Now The Problems Is Everyone Play To Be The Head = OLD Lady = The Little Girl Will Kill & The One WE Don't Like Comes In = & WE lost A boy Asset

Now Some Witness Will = Kill For The Innocent ONE

Put Yourself In Me/WE Shoes

It A Pattern / Now How They Still Killing In The Back End

You Family Must Hate You

They Don't Lesson Or Understand Or Worst ...... = They Don't Want To SEE = Let's Play The Guilt GAME = Judas Your Alright = We Allowed You Write = WE Can Kill While You Write = It's A Mirror = WE Kind People = Protect Sanctuary Law = WE Want A Community & Privacy = Be Humble = The MATH Road Will Kill Us = WE Not Them = Lucky Outsource Library = Burning Politcal Game = Abuse Need New Eyes = Self Defence LAW = You See They Learn The Hard Way = We In Trouble = It's Not Commen Sense = Let Him Off The Hook / Rope


Case Study = Eve Online = Cost Money = Building

Student Project = Euntropia Universe = Shipment = Market = Slieght Of Hand