Dante & Virgil

Introduction A Guide


Class : Knows God Plan / Will Help In Heavenly Realm / Earth Realm / Hell Realm

Tales : Will Help You Through All The Levels [The Levels Have Levels In Creation]

Will Show You & Walk You Through But Will Stop At The Devils = You Must Go In ALone & WE Will Watch Over You = You Might Die (Collosseum = (Body Colon))

Purpose : If You Survive You Learn / Something Only A Few Know

Level 1 : Surviving A Flood / Purge Form

Level 2 : Putting Someone In A Digital Machine = If MAN Can Travel Dimensional Space = WE Can Pull You OUT = WHO MADE MAN???

If WE Replicate You Enviroment & Break The Dimesional Space = Can WE Pull You Out = Your Alive

Example : Talking Out Loud In The Control Room = K They Going To Hit You Dodge [Moral Questions Ine Control Room = Staff Or Own ???? = You Can't Tell In Here]

Room Space In Dimension = Knocking Sound / Stomp = Some Say Horror Movie - Other Worldly

Feel Hit On One Side Of The Head But The Sound In Here Came From The Other Side = Time Reveals Which Side Of The Coin

If Timing Is Correct All The Time You May Think You In A Simulation Or Hell

WE Could Be Multi - Dimensional = Space Time / Conversation / [World / Politcs / Community / States & Empires] Or Different Realities = Could Be A COMA [Bed & Sound = The Brain You Need To Stay Sane]

Level 3 Or Higher : The Social Dynamic Of This Response Varies

WE Could Love You By Teaching You All The Ways You Can DIE Or How WE Can Kill You

A GIFT A Devils Halo Still Light = Painting A Picture Of Reality & Possiablities

Some One Could Have Stolen You TimeLine To Give It Back After The Damage Was Done / Guilt / Boredom [The Boy Is Dumb (The Boer Is Dumb)] / ...../ etc

Now Your Working Together = You Learned To LOVE HIM The Hard Way = GAY

Now Divine Plan = Will Help You They Full Of It Up Here & Down Here = That Door WE Don't Know At The END

Mind Set : Know You Don't Know Which Type Your Dealing Wiht Be Carful = You What His Say = You Think WE Can't Speel [spell]

Colour : Pink

Rebel : They May Still Kill Thee If WE Understand & Make It Clear & Cry About It Later After The Cause & Effect Is Done = PITY [Type Flood Purge]

Reason : People Accept Backstabbing EveryDay = Why Not HIM = Know When They Use The Coin = You Know The Ferryman Does Not Accept It = How Many Do You Think Are Alive For They Went Astray

Kirill You Pass / Go See The DEVIL = Keep Going = Mirroring Won't Save People = How You Say It = The Telepathy Or Ether Price They Pay For Using It Poke At You For Small Thing = Cause & Effect & Know They Say Blame A FEW ??????

King Geroge [Elder Royal Of That Time = Protection Spell - WE Teaching Him As Well = Don't Let The Pink One - See Everything = For A Few] = Language = English Is WE Level = Don't Hurt HIM = Babylon
