Devils In The Details

Introduction They Don't Know Who THey Are / They Don't Know What They Worship


Class : Mystery

Purpose : Mystery

Tale : A Chain Of Events = Events On A Few See The First Stone

Dark Humour / Pull The Rug From Under Your Feet / A Lie To Cover The Decet - To Steal A Story They Don't Understand

A Cause & Effect = A Game Of Game Of Throne In Motion = Watch The Lesson Destroy Many = For No Know How To Eat Their Food Properly

All It Take Is 1 = Bouning Pebbles On Water


Like Father Like SUN


A Wheel Chair = What Do You Think Dark Humour Flip To Hurt Some Is ???

Piss On Your Father Grave / Take His Wheel Chair - Lead You To The Woods - After & Before = Hang Out

Odins - EYE

The Satanist Thinks It's Making FUN Of The Pope [Fork Tongue - Wanted To Hurt The Boy (Don't Edit WE Pen Or Thoughtssss When WE Talking TO The BOY) Radio Hacking Telepathy = You People Are Breaking Every LAW IN THE BOOK ] = Yet Only A Few Saw KING

Now The PopE Teaches Christianity = See A Christian = WE WALK = Flip This Trick Or Treat {Now You Have Reason The Kill Each Other On The Inside - Like You Did To The Boy (Spare Him In The Crusade = Was The DOOR = FLIP / PIFP - PIP)}

The Devil = SEE - So The Christian Taught The Devils SUN To Not TRUST = His Servants / Satanist = So They Didn't Know The Devil

Know They Know They = Don't Know {Typre[Christian's]} = Now WE Child Is All MINE & The Beast Falls Under ONE COMMANDER


So Know Thye Try To Kill You & Make A Fauls Look ALike = Fauls Ideals = They Flipping Every Act To Somthing = To Destroy Everyone

Now You Know Why The Devil Hates Humans = THey Dont Know Power Or How To Play With Power

Kill Everyone Around The Boy = Let Create The Bank & Get The Show On The Road

It's A Flood = He Will Never See What You Wanted For Him = They Sold Out = You Saw A Christian Now = Now What/How Do You Think Pity Is Doing = Talk To ENVY


Look At MAn How Do WE ALL Look Bad Because Of A Few {Looks Like All Are Guild But A Few = Only A Few Learned The Lesson = A LOOP = Don't Outshine MW} = Trying To Hurt Him = Why Did GOD Love MAN More Than ME

They Don't Even Know Why The Devil Fall = The Fallen


Joke 20th Century : Lost We Keys = Take A Piture = Walk Away = WE Didn't Know You Loved It = It's Baby

Your The First Stone & You Drop Your Keys = Go Pick It Up


TREE / THREE = DON'T Rune My Game Again = Get To Work (Ride The Way Don't Kill Him & Steal It = Cause & Effect Fall ALL - One Stone Two Birds [Source & Branches = Pull A Tree Out])

Note : Who Taught Kirill = How Fix ROBOT & Leave A Solid Command Frame Work [Solid Stone & Allow Free Will & evolution (Something small)] = If Put Wrong Input [Commands Are Flipped]/ Do You Correct The Command On Flipping Everything You Say :

Teach The Commandment = Kirill = DO Know How Insane Listening TO This [Trying To Fix A Command LIne & Found Out Whats GOing On [In Time / Hisotry / At The Moment / Plans For You / What's Around You = Your Solid] = Don't Kill Him = It's A Typhoon] IS = Fix IS = Worship People - Only A Few Can Control That Force [Sane]

Example Don't Kill = Kill = ...

Modern Joke 20th Century = What's Wrong Shorty

BIO -LAB = The IRONY - Ressurection Failer