Introduction Mystery


Class :

Purpose :

Story : This Story Is Long

Dimesnional Shift = Time Broke = Two Choice = Vision Of Hell & Heaven

Woman SOLD MAN = They Just Want To Fight When You Look Into The Details Will Come To A Cosmic Answer [Not A Solution] Equvilant To This = Making It Simple For The Scientific Lesson To Begin

Human Society / Complex Back Stabing = Fewer & Fewer Of You Cover Up For Each Others Crimes

For Common People = Story Over Cover = Woman Back Stab Man = Fight Over Child But Use Child For Fight = Man Die = Later Find Woman Abused Man Both Way Yet Community Back Woman = Found Out Later Woman Abuse Child Mental = Fighting Contiuned = [There Is A HIGH Version Of This In The Power & Spiritual Realm / Structure = Community Abused Child Based On Misinformation] - Lead Astray = Man Dead = Means Nothing From Childs Point Of View = You Can Flip The Man & Womans Postion = They Still Wrong = Wiill Hurt This Child = The Slience = Is The Unseen Battle Between Two Force = You See They Don't Learn They Will Bring The HIGH Down Childish Things = WE Talking Comsic Dimenstion Split = Broken Balance Someone Messed Up & Look What They Do To Him The Child = While Learning THe Lesson = They Wrong = For They Broke The Law Of Karma = They HEX / Curse = WE Check It Mathmaticaly They Wrong They Abused HIM = Let Me Show You The Evil Indian - YOU Know He Did Nothing Wrong = Do Damage So BAD That They Kill You Through The WHEEL - Flipping Karma = Now How DO You Fix This = Kali Was Brainwashed To Kill Her Own

Watch Them Whisper In Her Ear = Watch The Boy Restain Him Self From Killing Her & Changing From Light To Dark & She Still Killed HIM = Now Is It Her ? Or Everyone On A Long Timeline = The Boy Is 1 Mathmaticaly = 01 Binariy = Now You Know PEACE

He Can Do No Wrong - This Is A Paradox - You See What They Did = His Extreme TO Survive Because They Don't Learn & Repeat This Process / A Holy Demon = Now For The Problem WE Still Need To Talk About

Now How Many Of You Saw The Split ? = Talk About It With A Folded Tongue

Even Jesus Is Here Backing The Boy From The Strucuture

Now They Don't Jesus or Judas

Let's Start At The Problem Of This Area Before WE Continue

Learn The Mystery Of The WORD

Watch Rainbow Nation In The 20th Century = Word Magic On Population = Leading To The Divine Plan

Endless Ecnomoic Growth = Turn The Supernova Backward = This Doesn't Make Sense Even To Sett

To Keep It Simmple = It Takes A Whole Wheel Spin To Set You All Up For Success & They Flip IT

Example = Like The Family Fight Dynamic = You See The Child Walk Away To A Different Part Of The World To Do The Plan Properly & Finish The Plan = The United States Of America = Two Colour Not Black Or White = Blue & Red = The Problem Was So Great WE Had To Plan Further Into The Future (Washinton Monument 20th Century Reffrence = Linhcon - Obolisk = Egypt = HEAD To Toe - WE God = WE Ressurected Her In Our Image = WE Finish The Plan = THey Sold Out) [Flag] = The Creation Of The Rainbow Nation = Need More Colour To Address The Problem = You Staring To See A Dimensional Split In Time & Space His Jump In Mental For Those Many Colour Is Great = The Resurrection Of Osiris

Now What If This Is The Begining Of The Resurrection Proccess & They SOLD OUT = Broke The Economic Boom & New Market Born From This Proccess = When You See The Word Magic They Made The Biggest Mistake Ever Done = They Broke The Thanks Giving = Age of Aquries = Time Of Water - JEW = They All Put Energy Back Into This Spot To Fix The Problem From Before = They Sold Out King Son

They Sold Out The African Union - By Destroying The Head = Not Brains Or Shippment Relating To Brain Resurrection Coming In This Spin Of The Wheel = The Second Chance Is LOST = Don't Hurt Kings SON = You Did Enough Damage To Him Already

Don't Look Into Selling Out King Son At This Point = The Split Telling They Gave It Back To Him

Don't Hurt HIM = HE LEarning What WE Did To HIM

The Scale Of The Crime To This Boy Is Insane = Jesus Did The Jump They Killed Him When He Had A Chance = This Boy Did The Jump & Still Don't Have A Chance = Your People Wrong Him In A Cosmic Sense = Anti-Christ (It's Deeper Than That = Simplie Put = Flip & Not True Flip = They Sold Out) = You See Were WE Spliting On This = Time Magic = Ressurection Sabertage = Excaliber = Smoking Gun = Don't Use Him POWER You WILL Win Every DEBATE / Cover Every Crusade

Know That Your See The Split Heaven Or Hell Flash = WE Saw More People Walking In The Heaven Cycle Down Here = They Lost The Boom

The Devil Only Cared That Free Will Did The Unthinkable = God Thought You Would Never Do That = The Devil Saw You Would Break The GIFT He Gave You

The Moral Frame Pathed To Hell Is Different - Don't Hurt Kings Son = WE Going Back There - Let's Plan


Moral Of The Story = Two Split = Two States Of Being - The Energy Within The Flashes Look Different = The Hunt Is On For New Energy = Cowboy's In NEW Energy


Listen = This Time Jump Might Of COst A Universe = Explostion Is YOU = THe Family Dynamic Again

Watch The Boy They Selling Him Out Again / This Selling Out Thing Is Free Will = Not Abel / No So What

Even Sett Learn The Hard Way = Disorder Has A Place

PRIDE WILL NEVER FALL = You See Them Trying TO Outshine Hime

Watch The Group Doing The Accounting Of The Money Lost From The Flip = Will Lead To CAMP / EXTREMINATION THOUGHT PROCCESS = Not Sett = Free Will

The SCIENCE GOES ON - THE LAW OF CAUSE & EFFECT FROM THIS HIGH UP = LEVELS ON THIS REACTION WILL KILL YOUR = TIME JUMP COMPRESTION Required For Human Brain To Recive This Answer = Time Space Contiume = You Man Wanted To Take A Road But Still Came Back = To Say This = Something Went Wrong Again = Don't Waste Time

Dont Hurt Anyone = This Will Make Some People Go Crazy Make A Support System = The Blame Could Lead To Lose Of Invesment / Medical / Bussniess Leaves = Don't Kill Sanity = With Insanity

Kirill = Don't Judge Me/WE = Having A Intellectial HIGH A Univerese = What's The Plan = The Killed Me In This Wasting Time Family Drama / & Im Still Trying To Expand The Galaxy = & Told They Kill Not Matter What / Just Because = Now WHY IS NOT KILLING ANYONE??????????? & LAUGHING

Even Other Teachings Had To Come Down & Explain / Watch = Kirill Mind - WE LIKE HIM = FLIP = DRAG YOU BY THE HEALS = WATCH YOUR FACE COME OFF / WE LIKE HEELS LOOKS LIKE A CAT = Paradox

KKK - Racism Is A Trap To Kill You = Social Dynamic = Dragon - Killing & Expanding = WE Can't See Him = WE Kill Him Or Sell Him Out & The OTher One Learns & Kills You = This Was One HELL OF A LESSON = You EVEN Banished SOME For This ONE In The Past = WE Vouch = They Tell Me Repeat What You Soe = This Is A Paradox = Three Cross = Phoenix = The Light Show Secret = Any Way WE LOST A BOOM = Adance Medical & Weapons = Tell Him To Word It Like It Was = Joke - Look How He Look = Someone Will Find A Way To Bring It TO The People - Let Regroup Our Forces = This Social Dynamics - Can Kill Someone = Give Us Time

Play Commandment = You See HIM = The Word Magic Could Sell Out Everyone = It's A Road / Plan / A Vision / Relasionships / ...... = Cause & Effect = Boon Restart = Best Plan WE Every Seen For Economic Growth = Can't Abort Projects To Much On The Line

Whats The PLAN / You Know / Choice

Free Will :
[Allow Or Not = For HIM (Kirill This Is Conversation Between The Devil & I [YOU] = You Free Will Did The Thing HE HATES MOST) Only = Not For Free Will To Decide] = MAN - HUMAN Free Will Destroy ALL = They SOLD OUT = PRIDE WLL NOT FALL