
Mystery / Back Stab Culture War / History Site RADIATION Planet Repair / Resoucre / Check Centre Spirutal Survialsnc Of The Sex = Don't Trust Neither

Human Brain / Breaking = InHUman Vassels = Better Than Protocal History Programs Develope Watchter Torture & Supervisary Court Watch All Citizen Telepathicaly / Spirutaly = Abuse Of The Vassel Within It's Care Regulatory System Connected To The Black Budget The Regulator Need A Black Class Regulator To Watch The Process

Constent Monitoring Of Population = Run Check On Maintaince = Connect Black Budget Control Room / Military / Maintance Under Survalice = They Don't Have A Perfect Regulatory System Yet Temple Checker & Checkers For The Oversite Of This Process Rabbit Hole / / Allow Free Will / Still Special Unit To Kill With Inpunity - They Play Suicide / Now Heart = Have To Build System To Check & Know You Torture Him = You People Are Not FIAR = Reap What You So / You See How WE THINK

Know We Now / Don't Learn & Have To Make A Checking System Again Now Back Stabing & Process / Over Ruled = Leading Hostal Take Over This Is The Lesson = You People Are Wrong / How Many Lo{[(8)]}ops # #

Many Like Friendly Fire = WHY WE Have COURTS = Society Has It To 2 + 3 More Don't Trust The People = This Friendly Fire THINK # # # Don't Look Int What WE MEan A FEW/ FEW / FEW = WE Thinks Forced Evolutin Is Reasonable = The Lesson Of Uriel = MAN [HUMANITY] Your In Trouble = YOU{ * }YOU