Introduction MYSTERY



Purpose :

Summary :

Lesson : ENERGY / MYSTERY / OCCULT STUDIES / Human Abilities

Witches Check Spell Books You Steal Or Inherit = They Flip It (Encryption) = You Might Be Killing Me / Or Your Trying To Kill Me (WE Already Trying To Survive Your Normal Human Backstabing / Clueless Politcs) = Open Mind = WE GLowing Like A Glow Stick = In Some Areas = Space & Time

Tale : Which Military ? Is Going TO Look After WE SUN = Heal / Privilage / Evolve / Protection = Military BlaCck Budget Only = PxL = Spiders Enbrace / Stand OFF = DRAGON = Spiders Clearance Required To Touch Him / MOLOK BAAL = 3 = Good / Bad / Monster / Teacher / Protector = Guardian Angel

Mystery Class


Don't Kill The BOY / THE DRAGON = Our Second Chance = The Family Library = Flower Of Life Vault = Mystery = Im You & Your ME = WE = The Indiviality WAR = Inner Peace = HE Mixes WELL = The Art Form Of Walking In Your Foot Set After Death = So People Learn Who You Are = Useless = WE ALL DEAD = There Is A Road Forming = Backstabing On Multiple Dimensions = WE LEARN / WE UNDERSTAND

Watch Approach (Don't Shoot Him) = Confusing / They Don't Know WE [Few] Understand Like Some Of You = Which Group Kills When You Find A Dragon Or Battery = Spirtual Center = Military Mind Can't Understand Some People Attempt To Kill Or Step Up Without A Profit Or Relgious Understanding = None Beliver Within The NONE Beliver = This Mind Freaks The Military Mind = Extraction Of Mind & Make No Sense = Since Survaliance Of Him Sense Small = In The TIme Machine It Look lIke Your Calling Him The 1 After Myster Reveal Your Where Watching Him = Look Like Father Death Of Cancer Was Murder [Poison / ????? / Eperiment - Then Say AI = But Data Not Fully HIM = Biological Immortality = Advanced Medical Treatment = [Capitalist Mind = Not Commercial Product Yet - Only Boy Wont Die / Part Of Original Input]] = WE Confused = Watch HIM = His The Price/prize = WE Want Biological Immortality = & Now WE Learn This = WE Confused = Now This Is A Mystery = ???????? = Im Not Time Traveling Again To Get More Confused [Dark Climate Change - Joke - WE Don't Know If YOu Love Me Or Hate Me = They Did Say Your Artist = Confusing = WE Understand Teach If You SEE = WE NEED EYE = Their Is More To The Tale = Parts Of GOD] = ???? = WE Keep Talking = Always Check If They Kill ME/WE - [This Cloning Somone To Take Their Place Does Not Work At This Level = SOULS = Now Soul Trade = You See Were It Go ................ / They Flip Which Part Are You = GOD PArts Sell Out / ........ = Confused = System Checks - Don't Kill Each Other - Don't Flip = [Watch Childern = Adult Bodies / Child Minds Equation Can Be Flipped] WE Love WE KIN / puppies / cats /.......] = ELITE - WE SEE A DIMENSION ECONOMIC BOOM = Don't Kill Them = They Won't See Him - Save Them


For Round Table Note : Check 2007 Release = Death Number / Maths / Confesion Recived = Father - Always One Step Ahead Before Death = Understood Was A Good Chess Player = Showing Respect

Now Incomplete Copy Complaint Recieved = ???? = Rock / Boulder - Stuck In The Middle = What Function In The Greater Plan Now = That They Went Astray On A Chain = Was Correction Fix Or Still Fixing = What WE New Function Now = Because Possable Back Stab = May Lead Other Astray If His Key Piece & You Had A Plan For Him = Development Of Contient = Biblical??????

It Just Keeps Going With This Thought Input = Cause & Effect = Need To Be Kept Well Maintain & Kept Safe Till = New Purpose Under Military LAW / Might Be Private - Speak TO Dragon = This Needs A Counciel Or ROund Table Meet [LOOP = Confused Again]

If You Didn't Plan Anything For Him = Why Is He GlowinLike A Glow Stick = Now WE Stuck With You [Death Till We Part = Confused Again]

Note For Human Race = WE Built A Economy On HIM = CUT Him IN = Don't Kill HIM = SOURCE = HE Don't Even See Him Self = WE Watching GOd Learn About Himself = SSsHHh = FeeD Your For Eternity / Growuth / Power = You See The Eugentic Path = Evolution = Eternal Youth / Regenration / Immortality For Some [Longivity For All 50 000 Start Point = The Suicide Question Moral Understanding] / Evolution Continue Growth Plan For Universe - If Your Species Lives That Long