
Introduction The Lesson In LeaderShip


Class : WHITE / With Touch Of BLACK

Purpose : What's A Global Citizen

Tale : Let's Keep It Simple = Apply Empire Frame Work

Still Can't Repalce Head Structure = Societ(Y/y) / Free Will = Wrong Input
Ru({8[m]})n Away *T*rain = 9 - Shooting Star / Chrismas Tree / 9 Realms

Where You Start Is Key = Teach WHITE = Blank Canvas

All Citizens Must Know The Interest Of The Empire

The People Aren't Right = They Don't Know Every Corner Of The Empire Only A Few Can Judge Socrates = What's The Peopels View & What's The Empires View = 3 Forces

Democracy Evolution Shows Those Who Created the Seat To Speak On The People Behave In Their Sections Know What The Empire Wants = For They Spoke To The Emperor / Emporer / Empe(o)rar

Now As Time Passes / Those Ties Lossen & Democracy Becomes The People Over The Empire / State / Infustrucutre = he People Can Kill / Destroy Everything & IT Will Be Right In The Democracy = Did You Keep The Standard Of Education Up To A Global Choice Making Factor / Mystery School Break Off From The Empire Stucture TO Slow Down The Decay = HorseMan / Venom , Fan / They Starving FOr Justice / The Scales / Anubis / Kali / √2 = Proccess

Black View = Kill Chamber = State Signed OFF = The Social Dynamic Behind This In A Democracy Is Mind Blowing = Speak To Loki About Boulder To HAve Different Angle = Angel - The Halo Will Hurt You


