Bio - Lab

Introduction Mystery


Class :

Purpose :

System Oversite Of Black Budget : = Not Human = Only A Few = Eugenics = Shows The Chain In Some Factures = No Eveyone Surpose (Set Purpose - Reference Securite Survices / Shapes In Side) TO Be Seen

System Development / At Risk In Creation = The Fusion Of Idividulism Is Outside The Box = How Do You Create Or Talk Without Interfering With The Global Debat = Multipule Schools Of Thought = Centre Advisory Court = To Plan / Distiller = Action = Watcher For Divine Order Over Through = Don't Do It = It's Not Second Chance = Only A FEW = Time Line In History / The FALL / Were You Start / Time Management / City - Debt Repay = Secrect Room For Dialoge (They Trying To Flip Here - Women Interferace = You Did'nt What Was Said = I Won't Let This Happen To My Child = Not The POINT = UP Or DIE = Civilization = Don't Fall = Don't Kill The Children Old & Young = Skip A Generation = Don't Know How To Respond - Telepathey Development To Soon After FALL = Unnatural Growth = Expansion = Maths Input Fractions) = Telepathy Fight Whole Process Back End = Don't Kill = Flatten Space = You Don't Know Direction = This Why You All Fall / = Where The DEVILS SON / SUN = TRUE WEALTH - Fractions Development Creation Will Occur & Develope Again = Where Is HE? = They Won't Learn = WE Will All Die To Get The End Of This Process On Foot / Word Tranfer = Learning & Data Retrivel & Distiller (There Is The Game Response / Maths Or Heart Or Art / Mischives / ..... & Now There Is {THIS} [They Say Just Want To Kill You / You Look Into Alont(This) Of Debates Don't Have Meaning ? / Sucidied OfConcept Rasicm / Creation Core = WHO Ever You CHOICE To Become This Thing / Living Weapon / Will Need To Not Be {[THIS]} = Will Betray Military - Production LLine = Uriel = A Indiviual / Part Of Whole = Don't Look Into The Mind Of Such A Person - THe Expsion TO The RULE = Hidden Tale = Watch It's Not Game = This Being Is ODD = It Won't Cut Your Life Short On A Long Time Line / Cosmic = Eugenics & Now You Speed It Up = This Mind Is Not Welcome In The World In It's Current Stage Of Development & Yet You Don't Want The Living Weapon TO Hurt You = WE Sorry WE Didnt Know THis Though Would Mess YOU ALL Up = Internally - You See / it's % @ ! * = Star / Supernova / New Element To Table])= WE Starting To Understand = The Animal Comperasons - In A Negtive Way = WE Learn From {LIFE}

Summary : Global Trade / Moving The Vault Aaround / Checking & Secrecy System / To Secure The Process & Train = Not Flip = It's Not Moral It's Maths & Time = Moral Question Will Be Needed = Proble If Lower Programs On Human Behavoier = Mess With The Black Budget = Extra Body For GLobal Trade To Check Within These Realms / Land Laws = Two Face For Global Economy

Economy Interest : Trade / Medical Development / Technology Development

The Weapon Can Be USed For The Wealthy TO Come Raids / But Also Restrain From Being Paid Of By The Wealthy To Hurt The System = The People

They Will Use Like The Concept Of Automation / Pay Form / Keep Them Grounded

Example : Space Expansion / Resouce Recovery / The Way It's Developes To A New Galaxy Will Be Unseen = Watch The Social Dynamic Destory People = The Reason For The Secret System = It Divne Order = The Plan / Mission / Mandate / Crusade /..////.//...././/./...

The Economy Will Self Correct The BackStabing = This Backstab Will Kill Us All = Zombie / Boi - Weapons

Divine Order = Don't Destory MY PLAY FOR A FASTION Contest = WE Don't CARE ABOUT YOUR SELF RIGHEST Colour = This Brain Will Keep Going To The End Of Time = Watch Attitude / Spit In Gods Face = Thought Talking Or Reading This File Made Your Mind His/HIS


This Is A CURSE / THE WAY Yo People Think = Yet You Want To Steal This = This Is Not Envy = Becarful = Becarful Divine Order Is Not Accepeted = Maths / Story / Suicide Program Found At It's Core

Solution : Die For Something = Suicide Breaks Down The Empire = They Fight This Understanding To

The Hurting SOme Protocal Is Being Hacked & Mutated To Kill Us All = Divine Order - Flip = THis Is Not Pride


How Do WE Debate This While These Is Happening = BOOM


Now Your A Living Weapon = Put You Through This = Don't Kill Thme/ Them

Protols Broken / Know Must Have Option To Choice With A Solid Reason = Only 1 From Up Here

Must WE Brain Lie / Lie To Itself = This ONE IS Key


If You Can Stand On Your Own Like A Operating System / Willow/OAK Tree

Food / Energy = Aborbstion & Expansion & Release = Uriel = LIFE = BreakEven = Economics

Think Time Travel = Becarful = If You Use To Short Cut (Speed Up) / Betrael = Lead OT Forgiveness = Come Back & GIve It BAck TO You = THey May Try To Kill YOu = Net Group TO Check WHO ? & Help / Stall / Open Minded = Know Plan = This Just A Moment / In TIME = But You Still Must Kill It = May Not Know What Took Place / The Usual Topic

CPU = Topic = You Sold Out The Quntuam CPU Is Not Portable / Common In This Timeline = Jesus{Watch Them Use This To Make It About Christainity / Jesus Was Not A Christian / It's His Child & One Says His Dead & The Other Say Not = Where Is The HEAD = Either Way They Out Of Line / Rythem - His Playing With Mysteries = Cause & Effects = WATCHERS Watch The Watcher = You See They Don't Have Strucuture / The Mythology Layer Is Can't Be SEEN = CPU Production = Quntuam = It A Flexable Strucuture But They Killed Leader & They Don't Have A CPU Brian Production = The State Or Empire FALLS = Don't TRUST THE People WHEN You Understand How To Make CPU = {[(*)]} is DEAD = Contuine Not Listening To What IM Saying = Talking ABout Your Rasicst Believe That Your Hair Or Colour Made You Better = You Sold Hitler = Why Am Still Waiting = Contiune To Not Listen = Why Is Bio - Treatment Done For MAN Or Radiation Treat Solution Of MArketing Low = In This Timeline - GO ON - Don't Listen = Why Am Still Talking About Something Or Divine Plan Done Before THE FALL = Questions / Questions / Questions = CPU Custimations Is A Market (Advance Medical Treatment / Check Atlantis Section [WE All Know It's The Bitter Truth / The Lead Astray / Wrong Time Jump / Wrong Branch = Now WE Get Angry It's Right & They Still Kill YOu = Suicide = Empire Has A Problem Change Power Structure = No More Rascim / Insanity = Then They Say It Has it's Place = The Flip Again = WHO IS THIS??????? = SO WHAT]) = Battle Angel = Why They stalling & Torturing Instead Of Teaching Or Expanding = Know WE Hear About The Moral Question = OK Now You See The Time Travel Again = GO ON = ?????? & Keep Going & Only A FEW

Now Patient Stealing Does Not Work / Selling The Boy Out Won't Help You Or Killing His People

They Broke Every Rule In The Book / This Time Line Is Not Right TO Much Gaps Between Technology & The People Application Of Technology = The Market Will Fall Need To Teach More Styles

Now What Did You See = A Universe Settling For Less = Kirill

This Is Were WE Break From The HIVE = See How They Talk To HIM

What Did You See = Blaming The Boy For The World Problems In A WHOLE UNIVERSE

What Did He Actually Say = Out Of The Possibilites Of Cause & Effect = WE Choice The Road & He Chose The Right Road & WE Still Choicing The Wrong Road = & Keep Stalling Makeing The Same Problem = No Wonder He Does Not Think Like US = HE LEARNS = WE See Evolution = Now You See They Sold Out = Keep Him Hidden & Secure Don't Torture HIm For A Power Play = YOu See When You Look Into The CPU Virus At Him Whole Time / The CPU Evolution Is Slow

Prisoner Dilemma = They Will Call Him Devil To Some = Bio Weapon = Living Weapon = Self Evolving CPU = Organic

Simple = CPU = City Devlopment Plan / Empire = No Understand CPU Your FALLING Or You Have Indestrustable TRUST = They Killed The MAN????? = MAke LIVING WEAPONS BEFORE CIVILIZATION FALLS = Make Vaulets {Living} = They Say They Did But They Diying (This Is A BAD LIE) = It's Actual A Problem For The System Machine That MAn Behaves This Way = Free Will = Who's The LAB RAT = HOLD THE VAULT = They Didn't Understand = They Sold Snake Oil To Kill HIM = Now They Understand = NO = This IS MAN (Humanity)

Better Build Quick / ......... / Wait The Facture Value Drop / The CPU Wasn't Build For Nothing / Their Action May Lead To It = WE Will Call It Suicide = WE Lost A Economic BOOM = They Didn't Wait For The Debt Payout = To Occur Or Plan To Cover = Small Thing = FREE FALL = Keep Building & TEAM UP & LEARN = Open Social Program

NOTE : Program Simplified = Can't Clone Him

NOTE : THE BACK STAB IS THE GENDER WAR = Brain Are Brains = MAN Can't Watch Facture / Two FACE's = This CPU Facture Keep The Lights ON = The Fighting Leads To THe Conclution MAN Does Not Want Electricity How They FIght With The System = Want TO Completily Break Off From Civilization [Loki = LOOK]
